Sharethrough Ad Exchange Demand Policy

The following Demand Policy applies to all demand partners, including but not limited to advertisers, agencies, demand side partners working with Sharethrough. Last Updated: April 17, 2023.

Demand Policy

As one of the top independent omnichannel ad exchanges in the world, Sharethrough Inc. (“Sharethrough”) connects advertisers & publishers by leveraging their unique technology to enhance every impression by rendering a higher-performing banner, video, CTV or native ad that dynamically fits into any placement on any domain, application and other digital asset.

The following policy (“Policy”) applies to all demand partners, including but not limited to advertisers, agencies, demand side partners (“Demand Partner”) working with the Sharethrough Ad Exchange (“STX”) to provide programmatic advertising services relating to the purchase of Sharethrough or its supply partner’s advertising inventory (“Ads”). This Policy sets forth the guidelines all Demand Partners must adhere to regarding Ads and their landing pages.

All Ads and their landing pages must be appropriate for a general audience and must comply with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to the Demand Partner and the advertising content in any location where the Ads may appear.

Demand Partners must also adhere to the Creative Spec Requirements. Sharethrough retains the right to deny any creative at any time in its sole discretion.


  • The Demand Partner must have ownership or permission from the owner to use the images and content in their Ads;
  • Ads cannot be intrusive to user experience;
  • Ads cannot force a full-page redirect that takes end-users away from the publisher’s property without the user’s initiation and, such page redirect upon user’s initiation must represent the Ad; 
  • Ads cannot spawn pop-ups windows or any additional messages that spawn beyond the original Ad;
  • Ads cannot initiate any action that would impact the end-user without its explicit permission;
  • Ads cannot contain audio that is triggered by anything other than a click; and
  • Ads may not use Sharethrough logos or trademarks, or mention or refer to Sharethrough, in any manner, without Sharethrough’s prior written consent.


All Ads transmitted over STX must:

  • Be in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and advertising codes (such as the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (“CAP Code”) and Ad Standards in Canada), and applicable data protection regulations, such as, without limitation, the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and privacy laws in the state of California (ex. CCPA, CPRA), and in Canada (ex. Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act)
  • Be in compliance with all applicable advertising and privacy policies and the principles and/or best practices set forth by (each as applicable) the Digital Advertising Association, the Mobile Marketing Association, the Federal Trade Commission, and Interactive Advertising Bureau, the Network Advertising Initiative; 
  • Be devoid of any reference to any selection criteria or presumed knowledge concerning the intended recipient (example: a marketing communication stating “Because you’re pregnant, you might like…”); 
  • Not be targeted towards children (as defined by applicable law) or served based on the processing of children’s personal data/personal information; and
  • Not be targeted towards individuals based on the processing of special categories of personal data (as defined by the GDPR) or sensitive personal information (as defined by applicable law, including United States law).


Sharethrough wants to support a healthy digital advertising ecosystem and highest quality audience experience and therefore, has a list of policies that will promote a safe and positive experience for all users. The content provided by the Demand Partner must not constitute, facilitate, or promote illegal products, services, or activities. In addition, content targeted to minors must not promote products, services, or content that are inappropriate, illegal, or unsafe, or that exploit, mislead, or exert undue pressure on the age groups targeted.

The examples listed below are a non-exhaustive summary of content that is banned on the STX.

Ads and their landing pages including, but not limited to, the following content will not be permitted and will be removed from STX:

Dangerous, Abusive, Hateful Content
  • Ads with content that incite hatred against, promote discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization;
  • Ads with behavior or commentary that incites such hateful acts, including harassment or bullying of an individual or group of individuals or commentary regarding extreme views or positions;
  • Ads with content that threatens or advocates for physical or mental harm on oneself or others.
Weapons, Ammunition, Weapon Accessories & Explosives
  • Ads for the sale or firearms or ammunition, whether legal or otherwise;
  • Ads for the sale of other weapons such as, lethal or non-lethal weapon and accessories, including guns, imitation guns, taser guns, mace, edged or bladed weapons, explosives, bombs, and bomb making supplies and/or equipment, fireworks, knives, etc.;
  • Ads offering, facilitating the sale or creation of guns, ammunition, bombs, explosives, hazardous materials, or weapons;
  • Ads containing technical or how to information on guns, bombs, ammunition, or other offensive weapons;
  • Ads that are violent, promote or advocate the use of violence or individuals or groups with ties to violence.
Harmful or Unlawful Activities
  • Ads with graphic promotion, advocacy and depiction of willful harm or unlawful activity to humans or animals, or demeaning offenses violating human rights;
  • Ads with disrespectful or harmful treatment of sensitive social topics (ex. Extreme political views, etc.).
Obscenity, Profanity & Shocking Content
  • Ads containing excessive use of profane language or gestures and other repulsive actions with the intent to shock, offend, or insult;
  • Ads that are likely to shock or scare;
  • Ads containing gratuitous portrayals of bodily fluids or waste.
Adult & Explicit Sexual Content
  • Ads containing or promoting pornographic, adult or highly suggestive content (including photographs, videos, and texts);
  • Ads containing explicit or gratuitous depiction of sexual acts, and/or display of genitals, real or animated;
  • Ads containing sexually explicit content including, but not limited to, child sexual exploitation content or content featuring non-consensual acts, real or implied;
  • Ads with content that promote or facilitate prostitution or escort services.
Online Piracy, Malicious or Unwanted Software
  • Ads with content or codes that distribute viruses, worms, malware, spyware, other unsafe downloads, or other contaminants that may be used to access and modify, delete, or damage any data file or other computer program;
  • Ads containing spyware, malware, or any software that results in an unexpected or deceptive experience, including links to sites containing these products;
  • Ads containing destinations that use phishing techniques to gather information;
  • Ads promoting black-hat hacking, cracking or warez.
Copyright Infringement
  • Ads that infringe upon copyright, trademark, intellectual property, third parties’ right of publicity/privacy, legal rights of others or is contrary to public policy, rights or promote such infringement;
  • Ads promoting or facilitating illegal file transfer or allowing users to freely download or exchange software including music files, games, movies, and software applications or P2P file-sharing.
Illegal Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
  • Ads promoting the sale of drug paraphernalia;
  • Ads promoting the sale and use of illegal drugs, including the abuse of prescription drugs;
  • Ads with instructional content about producing, purchasing, using illegal drugs.
Deceptive, False or Misleading Content
  • Ads with deceptive, false, or misleading content including fake news, sensationalized and viral content;
  • Ads promoting products, services, schemes, or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to scam people out of money or personal information;
  • Ads for the distribution of falsely obtained passwords, hacking, pyramid schemes, evading the law, fake documents, etc.
Misinformation & Disinformation
  • Ads containing misinformation or disinformation.
Unauthorized / Unwarranted Healthcare
  • Ads that imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception to promote diet, weight loss, or other health related products;
  • Ads for unlicensed/unaccredited healthcare practitioners, medical research solicitations and online pharmacies.
Tobacco & Tobacco Accessories
  • Ads that promote the sale or the consumption of tobacco or tobacco related paraphernalia or services that directly facilitate or promote tobacco consumption.


Although legal in most regions, restricted content may be considered prohibited content, depending on the nature of the content and the context in which the restricted content is displayed on the Ads.

The examples listed below are a non-exhaustive summary.

All Demand Partners must ensure that they comply with the following guidelines if the inventory they make available via STX and their landing pages contains any of the following restricted content.

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Medical, Pharmaceutical, Health & Beauty Products or Services
  • Ads for pharmaceutical manufacturers, or online pharmacies, are allowed in jurisdictions where they are legally permitted;
  • Ads for products that contain prohibited pharmaceuticals and supplements, or dangerous ingredients, or have been subject to any government or regulatory action or warning, are not allowed;
  • Ads that use unsupported or exaggerated claims or set unrealistic expectations of the effectiveness of a product are not allowed.
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Alcohol & Alcohol Related Content
  • Ads promoting the sale of alcoholic beverages, branding and informational content must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses, and approvals, and must be made available only in locations where the promotion of such sale is permitted, as required by applicable law;
  • Ads with alcohol-related content cannot target individuals below the legal drinking age; make false claims regarding social, sexual, professional, intellectual or athletic standing; imply that alcohol consumption provides health or therapeutic benefits; portray excessive drinking favorably; cannot show alcohol consumption associated with the operation of any machinery, including vehicles.
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Vaping / E-Cigarettes
  • Ads promoting e-cigarettes, vaping products or other products that simulate smoking must comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including without limitation, laws, rules and regulations relating to the products being advertised, and all advertising and promotion thereof;
  • Ads can only be displayed where such products may be legally sold, fully licensed and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and cannot be displayed to people under the age of majority in such state or province;
  • Ads cannot include any claims that products provide any health benefit, depict any consumption or overconsumption, contain any child friendly elements or anything designed to be attractive to people under the age of majority, be targeted to people under the age of majority and must include a responsible consumption disclaimer, etc.
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Cannabis, CBD, THC Content
  • Ads are only permitted in Canada and the United States with the restrictions below;
  • Ads with content promoting or selling cannabis, CBD, THC or accessories must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses and approvals, audience must be age-gated, and must be made available only in locations where it is allowed;
  • Ads with cannabis related content cannot be appealing to youth, be targeted to people under the age of majority, cannot communicate price or distribution or any false, misleading promotions; cannot make any health, medical, dietary, cosmetic or therapeutic claims or benefits ; cannot depict any person or celebrity, character or animal; cannot include any lifestyle elements or branding ; cannot have any association to tobacco or vaping / e-Cigarette products ; cannot be included as any sponsorships or endorsements, etc.
  • Ads cannot be for advertisers found on the FDA’s list of Companies Illegally Selling CBD Products.
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Political Content
  • Ads with political content must address U.S. federal elections only;
  • Ads with political content must comply with any requirement, law or regulation including, without limitation, any notice, reporting, records retention, and disclosure laws whether federal, state, or local and any self-regulatory guidelines, including all reporting and disclosure obligations, any pre-clearance requirements for all the locations where the political Ad is published or otherwise made available to public;
  • Ads must comply with the applicable Digital Advertising Alliance Self-Regulatory Principles (for Application of the DAA Principles of Transparency & Accountability to Political Advertising);
  • Ads must include the DAA’s Political Ad icon as established by the DAA.
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Gambling & Games
  • Ads are only permitted in the United States and Canada with the restrictions below;
  • Ads promoting gambling or games content must follow all industry standards and applicable laws, including targeting their ads in accordance with legal requirements and the landing page must display information about responsible gambling and shall never target minors;
  • All data segments provided to Sharethrough in connection with the Ads shall consist solely of individuals respecting the local minimum age requirement and geo-targeted to ensure that content is location appropriate.
  • Ads are only permitted for online sports betting and fantasy sports (other gambling ads such as, but not limited to online casinos and online poker are prohibited).
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Free Offers, Sweepstakes & Contests
  • Ads for free offers, sweepstakes and contests must comply with basic advertising principles (ex. must advertise all promotions truthfully; cannot make any false or misleading statements about the promotion; must substantiate all advertising claims prior to disseminating them; and add clear disclosures regarding the possibility of misinterpreting);
  • Ads for sweepstakes & contests may be promoted if the contest or sweepstake does not constitute an illegal lottery and if it complies with all applicable country, federal and state/provincial laws and regulations. Ads must clearly disclose the material terms and conditions of participation, cannot be false, deceptive or misleading and cannot target minors;
  • Ads for “free” offers may be described as “free” provided that all conditions for obtaining the “free” product or service are clearly disclosed, must comply with all applicable country, federal and state/provincial laws and regulations and cannot target minors.
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Financial Products, Services and Other
  • Ads promoting financial products and services that are associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices are not allowed;
  • Ads promoting, solicitation of funds, binary options, credit repair, trading services, payday loans that do not meet jurisdictional regulatory guidelines, guaranteed loan modification or foreclosure prevention products, or products of a similar nature are not permitted;
  • Trading signals, tips, or speculative trading information; affiliate sites containing related content or broker reviews are not allowed; and 
  • For the advertisement of crypto currencies, NFTs, and similar products, the advertiser must be a licensed or authorized provider and the products and ads must comply with local laws and industry standards.


In the very unlikely event that an Ad that is in breach of this Policy runs on a Sharethrough supply partner’s site or app, we will remove the Ad from STX and notify Demand Partner of the same. If Demand Partner continues sending inappropriate Ads, Sharethrough reserves the right to end our partnership with Demand Partner. If an Ad appears in a location that Demand Partner deems inappropriate or brand unsafe, Demand Partner can contact Sharethrough via Once notified, Sharethrough will initiate an investigation within one business day and make commercially reasonable efforts to take down the Ad, either by internal actions or by contacting the applicable partner, if necessary.

Sharethrough has the right to immediately suspend Demand Partner’s access to STX for any violation of the above guidelines without notice, and until such a time that Sharethrough is satisfied that there are no longer any violations to this Policy.

This Policy may be updated by Sharethrough at any time without notice.

Sharethrough supports the Coalition for Better Ads standards ("Standards") and makes commercially reasonable efforts to adhere to their policies. Additionally, while we may serve "interstitial ads" (full-screen ads that cover the page) these ad spaces are provided by the Publisher, and Sharethrough has no control over their size, placement, or other parameters. Sharethrough also makes reasonable efforts to prevent our DSP partners from using ad experiences that violate the Standards.

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