Best Practices For Brands—

10 Facts & Strategies For Back-to-School Season

Back-to-School and Back-to-College season is almost here! Check out these 10 facts and strategies for brands to increase the performance of their campaigns.

It's Back-to-School Season!

We've compiled helpful stats and strategies for brands to reach their target audience for back-to-school. For 2023, we're expected to see a total of $41 billion in spending for back-to-school season.

Education Enrolment is on the Rise in the US...

How much of the global population does Generation Z represent?

  • 26 million
  • 200 million
  • 74 million
  • 10 million
Hover or click to reveal answer!
74 million
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...So Are Back-to-School Spend Trends

Schools Open, Wallets Follow Suit

It's fair to say Back-to-School expenses are meant to be planned for, and that's because bills can pile up quickly! In fact, we're currently experiencing one of the biggest jumps in the last few years, with an...


Total projected increase for back-to-school and back-to-college expenses between 2022 and 2023.

Back-to-School Spending Habits

Back-to-School Spending On the Rise

Back-to-School spending per household continues to increase year over year.


Were spent by consumers per household in 2023 for Back-to-School expenses. In fact, spending increased by 36% between 2019 and 2022. Categories such as computers, furniture and others have seen inflation up to 22% since 2019.

Back-to-College Spending Habits

Back-to-College Spending Hit All-Time Highs

Children, teens and their parents are not the only consumers. Back-to-College spending has reached all-time highs.


Are expected to be spent by consumers per household in 2023 for Back-to-College expenses, a 12% jump from the previous year.

Most Popular Spend Categories

A majority of consumers are shopping for a bargain. With inflation top-of-mind, 70% of consumers are looking for early discounts.

Back-to-School Spend Categories

Back-to-College Spend Categories

Brands Are Facing a Common Challenge

It's Now Harder Than Ever to Grab Consumer Attention

Reasons for this include...

  1. Users are overexposed to ads. They see 10,000 on average every single day.
  2. Users are multitasking. 64% of US adults use another device while simultaneously watching TV.
  3. Attention span is lower than ever. The average human attention span is now 8 seconds, less than a goldfish.

Most Popular Spend Categories

Research Shows Humans Pay More Attention to Ads When They Fit In


Humans Better Comprehend
Ads When They Can Read the Message


It's the Final Countdown to Back-to-School

Maximize Attention With Sharethrough Display Ads

Add a countdown widget to your display ads to increase attention.


Increase in awareness of the promotion date when a countdown is added to a display ad.

Source: Research on the Impact of Countdown Enhancements, May 2023.

Create Urgency With Countdown Timers

Increase Comprehension With Sharethrough CTV Ads

Sharethrough CTV Enhancements are built to increase awareness and comprehension.


More likely to remember the promotion start date with a Countdown Overlay.

Coming Up This Year—

Featured Inventory Packages

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